Riddle of Planet X

Article by Geoff
Ward, Western Daily Press

A West scientist and author has made
the astonishing prediction that we will soon have the momentous proof that our
Sun has another star in orbit around it. Such proof would shake science to its
foundations and completely alter our way of looking at the solar system.
Andy Lloyd, 37, of Longlevens, Gloucester, who
carefully assesses the evidence in a new book, puts forward a convincing case
for the existence of the mysterious "dark star", or "Planet X", as it has also
been called.
Scientists have speculated about a hidden body orbiting the Sun for a century at
least, and there has been mounting interest in the subject of such a binary star
system since the 1980s, with a variety of theories being put forward - but, as
yet, no discovery.
A possible contender for the companion star was located in 1983 by the Infra-Red
Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), but the findings were never confirmed. Another
was the "Nemesis" star, discussed by the American astronomer Carl Sagan
following results of research announced in 1984 by the University of Louisiana.
It was the late Sagan and his Cosmos TV series in the 1980s that inspired Andy
to take up science and gain a first-class honours degree in chemistry at
Lancaster University. Now he has put forward his own formulation of the Nemesis

told me that he believes the dark star is a small version of what astronomers
call a "brown dwarf" - a body caught half way between being a star and a planet
- with its own retinue of satellites and a 10,000-year orbit around the Sun. It
is now at its furthest point from us - a thousand times the distance from the
Earth to the Sun - and so would be a vanishingly small object and, because of
the enormous distance, apparently stationary, giving it the misleading
appearance of a fixed star.
Indeed, Andy says it may already have been detected and catalogued erroneously
as a star in the Milky Way galaxy.
It would be about the size of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system,
but much heavier and denser and capable of generating both heat and light.
Andy has calculated that Planet X lies in the constellation of Sagittarius, in
what is known as the "Oort cloud", the deep-space origin of many comets that
pass through the solar system. "Two new space telescopes are due to be launched
in the next couple of years, and if these between them don't spot the star then
it's not there," he admitted. "If it hasn't been found within five years, it
doesn't exist.
"But my book is basically a prediction that the star will be found within five
years. The discovery will create a whole new structure in astronomy.
"I have had to be as scientific as I can to make this leap into the unknown. But
in the last year or two science has really turned in my direction on this issue,
which is really exciting."
Andy believes that evidence for an approach by the dark star, when one of its
planets swung through the outer reaches of our solar system and became visible
from Earth, can be found in the writings of the ancient Sumerian civilisation
which flourished in the Middle East 5,000-6,000 years ago.
This is when the star would have last passed, if it is on a 10,000-year orbit,
coinciding, significantly, with the invention of the calendar about 3,800BC.
Andy takes a cue from the Russian scholar Zecharia Sitchin whose book The
Twelfth Planet caused a stir when it was published in 1976.
Sitchin proposed that the Sumerian creation myth of a cosmic battle between the
gods was actually an account of a new celestial body entering the solar system
four billion years ago which created the Earth through a collision with another
planet, the remains of which are the belt of asteroids which lie between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Andy thinks this body was indeed the binary companion star.
He says it may hold the key to long-term shifts in the climate of the Earth, and
that the changes we are experiencing now may be "symptomatic of adjustments in
that cosmic balance of power".
Article written by Geoff Ward for
'The Western Daily Press' (23/12/05) and reproduced with his permission.
You can order your copy of Dark Star for $9.99
through Amazon.com here:
The Dark Star: The Planet X Evidence
If you live in the UK you can obtain your copy
for £14.50
through Amazon.co.uk here:
The Dark Star: The Planet X Evidence
The X file that has come to life

Article by Geoff
Ward, Western Daily Press

Author Andy Lloyd has been
stunned to find that a character in his debut
novel has eerily "come to life". Andy's jaw
dropped when he saw in the news that former
Russian KGB officer Alexander Lebedev had taken
control of the London Evening Standard newspaper
– for Andy had included a spookily similar
figure in his novel Ezekiel One, just out, but
written a year ago.

an amazing coincidence that, in his science
fiction thriller, Andy features a Mr Provotkin
who, like Mr Lebedev, is a wealthy Russian
oligarch living in London – and Provotkin is
also the owner of the London Daily Standard.
Provotkin is obsessed with breaking a conspiracy
involving the United States' National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, the 2012
"doomsday" prophecy and a mysterious Planet X
far out in space.
"I was very
excited by this," said Andy, who lives at
Longlevens, Gloucester, "because it's fact
coming out of fiction. I thought how on Earth
could I have possibly dreamed that up and then
it came true, because it seemed such an
off-the-wall thing. In the book, people
look back from 2012 to the point where Provotkin
took over the paper, and say it was very
controversial, and at Westminster there was a
bit of scandal because this Russian oligarch had
taken over a British newspaper which, of course,
is exactly what has happened."

Andy wonders
if it was some kind of unconscious prediction on
his part, especially as the title of the book is
taken from a verse of Old Testament prophecy.
So, what else in Ezekiel One might come
true? Well, for one thing, Andy includes the
coronation of Prince Charles as King George VII.
"I can't imagine he wants to be King Charles III
because of what happened to the first two – they
weren't terribly successful monarchs," said
Andy. And there's the murder of a Cheltenham
GCHQ worker who had been leaking secret
documents to the Press.
also describe America coming out of a recession
in 2012, which is interesting because a year ago
it was barely being talked about and we're in
quite dire straits now."
On top of all
this, Planet X could become a reality, too. In
his 2005 book, Dark Star: the Planet X
Evidence, Andy set out his theory, supported
by some scientists, that the Sun has a "binary
companion" star which at present is too far away
in deep space to detect easily. The Binary
Research Institute was set up in California in
2001 to support and fund research on the
Andy said the
object could be a small "failed star", with
light output practically extinguished, but
having indirect effects on our solar system.
This "dark star" was capable of causing great
catastrophes on Earth in the past, and could
cause another global disaster in the future.
"If the
discovery of Planet X comes to fruition in the
next few years, that's another part of the
book," added Andy, who will be among the
speakers at the
Return of Planet X conference in Rome on
February 7-8.
Written by Geoff Ward. Journalist Geoff
Ward is author of the book "Spirals",
available from Green Magic Publishing.

You can order your copy
from Amazon.com here:
Ezekiel One
If you live in the UK you can obtain your copy
from Amazon.co.uk here:
Ezekiel One