The Greg Jenner Papers
History-2 Channels’ Scott Wolter, a forensic geologist who investigates ancient American artifacts, begins every program of his with the following statement:
“The history that we were all taught growing up is wrong...there’s a hidden history [in America] that nobody knows about...sometimes history isn’t what we’ve been told.” - America Unearthed
Are pages of American history yet to be written? I say yes! History isn’t always what we’ve been told, especially when it comes to ancient knowledge of Nibiru being brought over to America pre-Columbus. From what I have uncovered there is compelling evidence that ancient writings depicting Mithras (aka Nibiru) have been etched onto stone, slate and cave walls going back at least 1500 years. This paper will include various archeological sites within America to support my case. However before getting into that, it would be prudent of me to give a little background information as to why I believe Mithras and Nibiru to be one of the same celestial bodies.
Mystery of Mithras
It is generally accepted that the religion of Mithras originated out of Persia. Mithras was the ancient Persian Sun-god of light and wisdom appearing as the 'beneficent one.' According to Payam Nabarz:
“The name Mithra…has three meanings in Farsi: love, sun, and friend. Here in the name perhaps lies the key to the whole of the Mithraic mystery. The divinity is seen as Sun, or the light of sun…Most importantly, he is a friend, one who walks with us, side by side in fellowship. Mithra is the beloved, with whom the MAGI seek union.” (1)
The quote above is very interesting indeed stating that the Magi wanted to seek union with this sun. No doubt Mithras was “the sun of the Magi” referred to in biblical times. What is more, Mithras was elevated to have sun-like qualities akin to Sol and long ago they both met in battle, Nabarz continues,
“The battle between Sol (the Sun) and Mithras results in Mithras overcoming the planetary sun and becoming the Invincible Sun. Sol kneels in front of...[Mithras] while Mithras holds the constellation Bear (Ursa Minor) in one hand. This emphasizes his power as a stellar god, one who moves the cosmic pole as well as causing the precession of equinoxes. Mithras and Sol then become friends and shake hands.”(1)
With this quote in mind one can interpret that Mithras and the Sun came close to one another, at least once in the solar systems distant past, causing celestial upheaval. After the violent ordeal took place, Mithras and Sol came to an understanding, you might say, with Mithras eventually continuing on into the outer fringes of the solar system. I maintain the last time Mithras came through the solar system was during the time of Exodus. The cult of Mithras then proliferated over eons of time and spread to Rome about 68 BC. Fast forward to the 4th century AD and Roman Mithraism was in full swing rivaling Christianity.
One of the most iconic images depicting Mithras is the 'Tauroctony' (see Fig. A). This relief is from the Esquiline in Rome that shows Mithras slaying the bull (constellation Taurus), flanked by onlookers below, the noble twins Cautes and Cautopates (constellation Gemini). It's uncanny how the Niburian symbology plays out here:
Firstly, Mithras is wearing a black cape or cloak; this makes sense for he can conceal himself before entering the solar system.
Secondly, Mithras has seven stars encircling his head. These could easily be interpreted as the seven satellites revolving around his celestial body and
Thirdly, Mithras with his cloak now on his back, reveals himself after a long duration of darkness suddenly appearing within the constellation Taurus. He wins the fight by symbolically slaying the bull whilst the noble twins, constellation Gemini, witness the return.
The scene also depicts Mithras within a cave as the cave roof is above him. What better way to practice this mystery religion in secret.
When Constantine became Roman Emperor Mithraism was eventually suppressed but continued to be popular in the provinces, especially with Roman soldiers and warriors whom, at this point, were rubbing shoulders with the Celts in southern Gaul, Britain and the Iberian Peninsula.
Is it any surprise then that the Celtic sun-god, Bel was also associated with Mithras? Migration and Diffusion author David J. Eccott writes,
“...there are inscriptions from southern Gaul [dedicated] to the Celtic god Bel[enus], this can also equate as a god of the early Irish. Therefore not only can Mithras [and] seen as inter-connected, but it can also be firmly established that strong elements of Mithric religion had taken root amongst the Celts from very early times.” (2)
This Bas-relief plaque (see Fig. B, above) represents the Celtic Sun-god Bel from the Roman baths at Aqua Sulis in Bath, England. He is portrayed with wings and garlanded with serpents as flaming solar rays emanate from his head and mouth. So you can see Bel has all the hallmarks akin to Mithras shown in this next image. (Fig. C)
Eccott continues, “...the principal god of the Babylonians was ‘Bel’ who in the Old Testament was referred to as the god Marduk, god of the Sun and battle” (2). This is an important statement because not only is Marduk referenced as the Sun of battle, Mithras mentioned earlier, is also referenced as the Sun of battle. Roman soldiers named it ‘Sol Invictus.’
Four Sun-gods as One
Taking this one step further Dark Star researcher and colleague of mine Andy Lloyd has found ancient Sumerian text relating to how Marduk earned the name Nibiru, "... the star, which shineth in the heavens. May he [Marduk] hold the Beginning and the Future, may they pay homage unto him, Saying, "He who forced his way through...without resting, Let his name be Nibiru, 'the Seizer of the Midst'! "He set the lightning in front of him, With burning flame he filled his body" (3)
So there you have it, people from the old-world have all worshiped, at one time or another, their version of another Sun-like god. Mithras/Bel/Marduk/Nibiru is all one of the same celestial body or mini-solar system, at least, orbiting the sun. There is enough supporting evidence from Andy’s darkstar1 website and Payam Nabarz’s book Mystery of Mithras to conclude that Mithras is our binary companion, quite possibly a failed star or sub-brown dwarf, a celestial sun-god worshipped by the ancient Persians and Romans. Is it any wonder the ancients revered and paid homage to this celestial sun-like body—it returns!
Mithras in Ancient America
When I think Oklahoma's past history I can easily imagine native Indians swiftly chasing buffalo and hunting them down on the Great Plains of America. I can see cowboys living and working on ranches, herding cattle on grass ranges so vast they span across the horizon as far as the eye can see.
Well that historical context all changed when I stumbled across an article out of Ancient American Magazine entitled 'The Anubis Caves: Evidence of Mithraism and Celtic Religion In the Oklahoma Panhandle.' written by Carl Lehrburger.(4)
It all began in June 1978 when project team leader Gloria Farley, was shown an archaeological site on a sandstone bluff consisting of a series of five eroded caves by a local rancher. Farley soon identified a dog-like figure in one of the caves as the Egyptian jackal-god Anubis. If that wasn't strange enough, what Farley found next made my jaw drop.
Fig. D (above) shows a section of key parts of a Mithras etching found in Cave No.2. To the left of the Egyptian jackal-god Anubis, Mithras is wearing a cape or cloak and is standing on a cube-like box between a rising and setting sun. According to Lehrburger this marks the precession of the equinoxes. Mithras stands on the celestial equator with north on his right and south on his left. Right away it’s obvious that the etching is showing two suns! Lehrburger continues, "seven rays emanate from his head. Mithrae is the ancient Irish word for the rays of the sun. The seven rays may also relate to [each ray] represented by a celestial body."
The predominant inscriptions on the Anubis cave walls are Celtic Ogam, a writing system of parallel lines representing letters. Ogam can be found in ancient England, Ireland, northern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula.
Fig. E shows an un-vowelled form of Ogam inside Anubis Cave No. 4 and Barry Fell, a Harvard Marine Biologist translated the makings as: THE SUN BELONGS TO BEL. THIS CAVERN ON THE DAYS OF THE EQUINOX IS CONSECRATED FOR THE CHANTING OF PRAYERS TO BEL.
As I've stated before Bel and Mithras are the same Sun-god so you can imagine the excitement with Gloria Farley's investigative team when the translations came through. The implications of Mithraism being in ancient America are enormous. It might prove once and for all that the Celts and Romans made it over to North America much earlier than previously thought. Possibly, just after Mithraism was being denounced by the Roman Emperor Constantine. This renegade group of people probably fled for fear of being persecuted and sailed to an unknown land in hopes of surviving and carrying on their worship practice.
The timeline also fits with the Carbon-14 dating carried out by Professor Ron Dorn from Arizona State University. Dorn was able to date rock-varnish within the cave walls and concluded that the inscriptions were 2000 years old +/- 300 years (4). As a Nibiru researcher, this is also exciting because knowledge of Sol's celestial partner Mithras, spanning the Atlantic prior to Columbus, has finally come to light.
With the translation: THE SUN BELONGS TO BEL, again the message is clear. The Celts are stating there are two suns! With this profound connection I believe the Anubis cave site to be authentic. Are there other archaeological sites within America to further support the worship of Bel/Mithras? The answer is a resounding yes!
YouTube headline: 'Crack Cave's Equinox Dawn Discovery.' (Video no longer available online)
Celtic "Ogam inscriptions were found in June 1984 on the wall of a crevasse in a south eastern Colorado sandstone bluff." The translation reads, STRIKES ON THE DAY OF BEL. (5)
Another site where Celtic Ogam was found is at a Sun Temple located on a sandstone cliff also in southern Colorado. The translation reads, THE NOBLE TWINS (2). In my opinion, these words could easily relate to the twins Cautes and Cautopates depicted in the Mithras Tauroctony in Rome.
Continuing, Fig. F (to the right) is that of a rock sculpture found in Stark County Ohio. Barry Fell makes the connection that it's a representation of the Sun-god Bel with rays emanating from his head.
To me this head outline would nicely fit with the Mithras etching found at the Anubis Cave No.2 site (in Fig. D) so yes I tend to agree with Fell's conclusion here.
Lastly, the Mystery Hill site in North Salem, New Hampshire consists of slab-stone chambers with Celtic Ogam inscribed on some of them. Barry Fell recalls when he first came across the inscription,
"A shout from Bob Stone [owner of Mystery Hill] told us that he had found another tablet in an adjacent drystone wall. As he brushed away the adhering dirt, there came into clear view a line of Ogam script that read, DEDICATED TO became clear that ancient Celts had built these stone chambers as religious shrines..." (6)
Andy Lloyd and I generally agree that when nearing the Sun, Mithras takes on a wing-like appearance of its own (see Fig. C).
Some cultures have shown variations of the wings looking like horns, others looking like a crescent above the head. Turns out all of these variations have been recorded in ancient America as well. For instance, a stone slab from the controversial Borrows Cave collection in Illinois (Fig. G, above) clearly shows the classic winged disc symbology.
Additionally, another piece from the same collection (Fig. H, above) shows, in my opinion, Bel with horns.
The next artifact (Fig. I, above right) comes out of Eastern County from the state of Maine. It is a four inch oval shaped amulet showing what I believe to be the Sun-god Bel, only this time with a crescent above his head. Notice there are seven symbols below the sun-disc. Do these represent the seven satellites? Possibly.
Winged Disk symbology within the Michigan Artifacts
From 1848 to 1920 thousands of copper, slate and clay tablets were unearthed in the state of Michigan from local people clearing land for road building. A traveling Minister ended up collecting them throughout the state. However after his death, they had been sent to Notre Dame University for storage. School officials eventually turned them over to a Milton R. Hunter of Salt Lake City Utah, a researcher of American antiquities where they are housed to this day at the Historical Archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter day Saints. (7)
Today the debate rages on as to whether or not the artifacts are genuine. And after delving heavily into the story I found that yes, a few relics were duplicated, however overall it's hard to refute their authenticity.
What I find amazing about the Michigan Artifacts is that a couple of them contain the classic winged-disc symbology that we have all come to know over the years. And yet here they are, in plain sight, from ancient America. These two images (Fig. J & Fig. K, above) clearly show this. Not only that, the Fig. K image has a 13 month calendar associated with the winged disc situated at the bottom of the tablet. There is a great YouTube video that addresses the Michigan Artifacts and 7:23 minutes in the curator shows what I believe to be the sun's companion, Mithras. Provided is the link, (8)
Trade Route to an Unknown Land
On Monhegan Island, ten miles off the coast of Maine another inscription was brought to Fell's attention. The Celtic ogham found read: "CARGO PLATFORMS FOR SHIPS FROM PHOENICIA"(6).
To Fell it was obvious, there must have been a trade route between pre-america and the Mediterranean.
As a rule, history books tell us that the Phoenicians were great seafarers and colonized Northern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula.
That is until the Celts took over many of their sea-ports. So with this reasoning the Celts would have interacted with these ancient mariners. Hence the “ships from Phoenicia” translation.
As far as Barry Fell was concerned the most important decipherment he ever made was that of the Davenport Stele (see Fig. L) found in a burial mound near Davenport Iowa, 1874.
Three celestial bodies are shown on the stele, the Sun, Moon and a third in the middle, in which I believe to be Bel/Mithras.
However Fell's interest laid with the ancient text itself and some dubbed this artifact the ‘Rosetta Stone' of ancient America.
Fell identified and translated three kinds of writing on the Davenport Stele just like how the original Rosetta Stone had three kinds of writing.
At the top were Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Directly below was an Iberic form of Punic writing (found in Spain) and the third line was Libyan (a North African script).
This was why Fell was so passionate about his discovery, to him it meant Celtiberians, Egyptians, and Libyans were living together in colonies in America possibly as far back as 800 B.C. (6)
Could this really be true?
Upon further investigation I was able to locate a Michigan slate tablet that shows what looks like a Celtiberian and Egyptian trading with a native Indian leader (see Fig. M).
This scene confirms Barry Fell's conclusions. Is it any wonder why Fell wrote the following, " means we have to revise a lot of ideas about American history in general."
There and Back Again
For some reason the Libyan script on the Davenport Stele struck a chord with me. During my research I remembered seeing a reference to this kind of writing before.
My 'aha' moment came when I realized that there existed Libyan writing back at the Anubis Cave site in Oklahoma! The Libyan translation read: ENACT AT SUNSET THE RITES OF BEL ASSEMBLING AT THAT HOUR IN WORSHIP (see Fig. N).
So it would seem, others worshiping in the company of the Celts, were granted permission to inscribe their own form of written language.
History-2 channels’ Scott Wolter sums the Anubis cave site up best:
"This incredible story of Mithraism that we just saw play out on the wall, it is amazing. And really, the only reasonable people that could have done this were the Celts 1500 years ago...and for that reason this site here should be, I think, designated as a National Historic absolutely changes history in a profound way." America Unearthed - Episode: 'A deadly sacrifice.' (9)
I thought long and hard about writing this paper. Mainstream historians will no doubt cry foul. Be that as it may Ancient Americans have left behind a message; WE WERE HERE, they left time-capsules if-you-will and it’s Mavericks like Scott Wolter having the guts to question and uncover the American past. My message however is clear; knowledge of Sol’s companion came over with the Celts. The Romans knew it as Mithras, the Celts knew it as Bel, the Sumerians knew it as Marduk and of course, I know it as ‘the Destroyer’—Nibiru.
(1) Greg Jenner & Andy Lloyd: “Sol and Mithras”
(2) David J. Eccott: “Ogams of the Sun Temple” Migration & Diffusion Periodical Vol.6, No.23 (c) 2005
(3) Andy Lloyd: “First Comet-like Planet Imaged” Dark Star Blog #27 (June 2015)
(4) Carl Lehrburger: “The Anubis Caves: Evidence of Mithraism and Celtic Religion in the Oklahoma Panhandle” Ancient American Magazine No.68
(5) YouTube video: “Crack Caves Equinox Dawn Discovery” (Video no longer available online)
(6) Thomas Fleming: “Stone Secrets of the First Americans”
(7) Glen W. Chapman: “Ancient Michigan Tablets” (c) Sept. 2000
(8) Art Bulla “Michigan Artifacts” 22 February 2007, YouTube video:
(9) Scott Wolter: Episode “A Deadly Sacrifice” America Unearthed, 2012-13
Fig. A – David J. Eccott “Ogams of the Sun Temple” Migration & Diffusion Periodical 6, 23 Pg. 55, 2005
Fig. B – Celtic Sun-god Plaque (Article no longer available online)
Fig. C – Greg Jenner & Andy Lloyd: “Sol and Mithras”
Fig. D – Carl Lehrburger “The Anubis Caves: Evidence of Mithraism and Celtic Religion in the Oklahoma Panhandle” Pg.9
Fig. E – Ibid Pg.10
Fig. F – “Sculptures of Sun god Bel Found in Ohio and New England” article
Fig. G – Harry Hubbard “Problems for Ogamites” gallery (Article no longer available online)
Fig. H – Ibid “Gorget” Hourigan gallery
Fig. I – William R. Corliss: “Archeological Riddle” Science Frontiers online No. 67 Jan/Feb 1990
Fig. J – Glen W. Chapman “Ancient Michigan Tablets” (c) Sept. 2000
Fig. K – Ibid
Fig. L –Thomas Fleming “Stone Secrets of the First Americans”
Fig. M – Glen W. Chapman “Ancient Michigan Tablets” Sept. 2000
Fig. N – Carl Lehrburger “The Anubis Caves: Evidence of Mithraism and Celtic Religion in the Oklahoma Panhandle” Pg.10
Written by Greg Jenner, 2015, author of
Planet X and the Kolbrin Bible Connection